We’ve all heard the saying, “Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse”. With the ever-increasing efforts to preserve our planet, we constantly need to find new ways to live that mantra. When Maureen started The Millionaire’s Daughter she had a couple things in mind, one of which was being mindful to recycle, reuse and re-purpose in all areas she could throughout her business model.
At The Millionaire’s Daughter we are all about different ways to recycle, we reuse every packing material we can when you bring in your consignments! So if you have extra unwanted newspaper or boxes, send them our way. We will use it to wrap up your fabulous treasures you find in the store!
Keeping with the eco-friendly trend we strive to showcase decor and furniture that creatively reuse old treasures. Is it reclaimed, repurposed, recycled, refinished or have green intent? Perfect, we love it!
Really, when you think about it what could be more eco-friendly than a store filled with consignment furniture? To further cut down on environmental impact, we showcase a mix of brand new, vintage and antique furniture from local retailers and homes across Ontario. The whole purpose of consignment is that something gets a new life, we hate to see good quality furniture being tossed aside!
Re- Purposed
Have you ever recycled an old piece of furniture by re-purposing it? We’d love to hear about it!