(and, in my case, HAIR!)

Hi, Margaret here again with some thoughts to share with you as we start a new year.
As we move into 2021, it is difficult and some days seemingly impossible, to think beyond, and find our way past the physical, emotional, economic and political challenges and tragedies of this past year. It seems that the dark grey storm clouds are always here or on the horizon.
But, as I looked out my window recently at a large bank of cumulus clouds scudding across the dismal January sky, I noticed that the sun was valiantly trying to peek through from behind, producing a bright outline along the edge that has been characterized as a “silver lining”. This sight gave me pause and inspiration to consider the “silver linings” in my life – my husband and family, my friends and work colleagues, my hobbies and creative pursuits and my health.
But there is one “silver lining” that is ever present and that I see every time I pass a mirror – my hair colour!
I was born with blonde hair and kept this feature throughout my life, with a little help from my hair stylist as I “matured”. Anyone who goes to the salon for colour and/or highlights knows that this is a positive mood lifter, but a costly one. Over the past few years I have noticed and admired the coifs of a number of women of my vintage with grey streaks mixed with blonde, and so I asked to have a more ashen shade, so that when the time came to transition to seniorhood I would be ready. Who knew that that time would come in the form of a pandemic! As my locks grew, without the benefit of routine trims because of social distancing and lockdowns, I thought I would see the inevitable roots showing. But I was happily surprised when I did not see a real difference and I started getting compliments on my new look. Red has always been my favourite colour and one that people said looked great on me, so I was excited to find a bright red winter coat that made my silvery streaks look bright instead of drab. I even started to wear red lipstick, albeit under the mask.
So I am choosing to :
ROCK the Grey!
(I like to think of it as Silver!)
As I have recently read and tell myself to believe –
“I don’t have grey hair, I have wisdom highlights!”
I hope that you have found, and continue to find, the silver linings in your life!
You can always add some sparkle with some items from The Millionaires Daughter. Here are just a few examples. We are open for curbside pickup and delivery on Wednesdays and Saturdays.