We can not believe it is already the middle of August.
Where has the summer gone?!
Of course, September means back to school so today we thought we’d share a few back to school furniture essentials you can save on at The Millionaire’s Daughter! Are your kids gearing up to go back to university, college, moving into their first apartment, or re-decorating their room at home? Save on back to school decorating by purchasing consigned furniture! At The Millionaire’s Daughter, we have a variety of brand name, quality furniture that will last your child well past their four-year stay at university.
Essential #1 Desk/Work Station
Essential #2 Bed
Essential #3 Dresser
Essential #4 Reading/Accent Chair
Essential #4 Lighting
Essential #6 Decor
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy the last few weeks of summer đŸ™‚